

目前顯示的是 9月, 2010的文章

2010 世界冠軍賽TT男子組Fabian Cancellara第四度奪冠 實在太強了!

Swiss rider beats Millar and Martin to take another rainbow jersey Fabian Cancellara (Switzerland) won the elite men’s World Time Trial Championship to take his fourth title in five years. The rider known as “Spartacus” completed the two laps of the hilly 22.9km circuit in 58’09”19 in an average speed of 47.058kph. Great Britain’s David Millar was fastest at the first checkpoint, but was soon overtaken by the Swiss rider to finish 1’02”75 behind; 2009 bronze medallist Tony Martin (Germany) repeated last year’s result to take third, 1’12”49 behind. More details to follow Result Men’s Elite World Time Trial Championship 1, Fabian Cancellara (Switzerland) 45.8 kilometres in 58 mins 9 secs 2, David Millar (Great Britain) at 1 min 2 secs 3, Tony Martin (Germany) at 1 min 12 secs 4, Richie Porte (Australia) at 1 min 19 secs 5, Michael Rogers (Australia) at 2 mins 25 secs 6, Koos Moerenhout (Netherlands) at 2 mins 40 secs 7, Luis Leon Sanchez Gil (Spain) 2 mins 44 secs 8, David ...

日光世界遺產二社一寺 輪王寺 東照宮 二荒山神社

日光東照宮 位於日本栃木縣日光市 主要祭祀的是江戶幕府初代將軍德川家康的神明「東照大權現」 東照宮旁還有輪王寺以及日光二荒山神社 稱為「二社一寺」 1999年「日光的神社與寺院」被聯合國教科文組織批准為世界文化遺產

又到了賽前大嗆聲時間: Rogers說絕對要扒掉Cancellara的彩虹衫

Says he’s in similar form to the years when he won gold It may seem implausible to some, but Australian rider Michael Rogers insists that he can turn back the clock and beat Fabian Cancellara to win a fourth rainbow jersey. The 30 year old is motivated by the thoughts of racing on home soil and said that he is highly motivated for the Elite time trial championship, which will take place over 45.6 undulating kilometres. Rogers took a hat-trick of titles between 2003 and 2005, inheriting the first after David Millar admitted using EPO to win. He hasn’t been in the running since, but believes he’s back to his best form now and is gunning to chase another rainbow jersey. “I'm as confident as I've ever been,” Rogers said, according to the Canberra Times. “The three years that I won, I went into it in similar condition to what I am now. ''And at the end of the day I can only control my performance. All the time trial comes down to is who's best on the day. I'v...

這是哪一招? Mark Cavendish一反常態在世界冠軍賽前打哀兵棋

Manxman talking down his chances after seeing the course for himself Until now, Great Britain’s Mark Cavendish had been typically bullish about his chances in Sunday’s World Championships road race in Melbourne, Australia. The Manx Missile had declared that he had a chance of winning on the hilly circuit around Geelong; having seen the course however, he is now having second thoughts. “This is perhaps a bit too tough,” he said, according to wielerupdate.nl. “Until now I hadn’t seen the circuit with my own eyes, I’d just heard a few whispered details. “On that basis I considered the rainbow jersey feasible, now that I’ve seen it for myself I have revised my opinion; this will be slightly too tough for me.” Whether this is the usually confident Manxman playing mind games with the opposition will come to light on Sunday morning. Cavendish generally talks up his own chances before races, even when it looks as though he has little chance. He is often criticised for arrogance, a trai...

美如仙境奧日光 戦場ヶ原&小田代ヶ原 大暴走

下午3點這時間進入戦場ヶ原其實是很尷尬的 應且戰且走絕不可過度戀戰深陷其中 我最關鍵的失算在於 地圖上標示的短短5分鐘路程 我們邊晃邊逛已經走了15分鐘 所以原先2小時暢遊戦場ヶ原步道的計畫 簡直就是太天真了 我們這團可能天黑都還走不完 但這一切都是後話了

美如仙境奧日光 湯ノ湖 環湖紀行續集 意料之外的一日三瀑

湯ノ湖 古代三ツ岳火山噴發後熔岩堆積 注入白根澤與湯元溫泉流水後所形成的堰止湖 湯ノ湖最深處約12米 環湖一周約三公里